
Friday, October 15, 2010


Today is Blog Action Day and this year's theme is WATER. So come in, kick off your shoes, pour yourself a glass of water...
Make yourself comfortable...
And then, WATCH THIS! (CLICK HERE) It's something you already know, but is always worth remembering...

And now that we've all remembered, now what? Can something change... What can we do beyond a blog post?


Michael- said...

it starts at home... less flushes, shorter showers, water filters NOT water bottles - there are many things we can do, we just need to DO them. Thanks for being a part of the solution PC!

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Thanks for this post. Education is just as important as the doing!
Great thoughts.
~Naila Moon

wendy said...

It seems like as a society as a whole have become so lazy about What we have and how we take care of it.

Water is a precious commodity FOR SURE

Red Nomad OZ said...

Coming from the driest state of the driest continent on earth (yes, Australia!) I'm continually amazed by how the right to clean, drinkable water is still taken for granted and abused.

Happy travels!

Phoenix said...

This world is indeed quickly running out of water... I never run the water while brushing my teeth, don't flush when I have only peed (sorry, TMI?) and do not buy bottled water, only using a refillable camping water bottle to drink out of.

But there's always so much more I could be doing, and I'll remember this...

Frances said...

Purple Cow: You are brilliant.

LJ said...

PC - will you please send me your email address so I can find out where to mail your 'prize' too?

Purple Cow said...

Michael - so true...I don't feel like part of the solution. I feel like a small drop in the ocean...a nothing...Thank you for at least making me FEEL like I came close to being part of a my mind though, I know there's so much...but where to start? So many injustices in the world and we are all so ignorant!

Frances - I blush!

LJ - I don't want to write it in public. Write yours (I won't publish it) and I'll e-mail you...Will you make me a purple cow thingy in felt? I can't wait!

Naila - education is NOT just as important as doing. We should all ACT!

Wendy - So true!

Red Nomad - I think we forget to look beyond our noses...

Phoenix - That's a start. I do what you do too. If only we could ALL do what you do...and begin to see ourselves as part of a problem.